Swing Into Spring
Swing into Spring is an Eastern Ontario dance weekend organized by a volunteer committee made up of EOSARDA member dancers. The weekend features guest out-of-town dance leaders who provide workshops for multiple levels of square dancing. There’s also plenty of dancing time to practise and apply what you’ve mastered in the workshops. Swing into Spring concludes Sunday afternoon with the “Mother’s Day Dance” that was traditionally operated by the former Seaway Valley Square and Round Dance Association.
The Latest About
Swing into Spring
The Committee, after much consideration, has determined it best to cancel Swing into Spring 2025.
Neither the Prescott nor the Brockville schools is available for our usual weekend. We tried to schedule the event for a later weekend only to discover that most local accommodations are booked for other events in town. The last two weekends in May have other square dance events scheduled, thus limiting the number of dancers who might participate in Swing into Spring. Likewise, dancers who would attend our event would not be able to attend the other dances. The Swing into Spring committee does not wish to create a conflict with other local dances so the Committee feels it best to cancel our 2025 event.
We will now concentrate on the 2026 dance weekend to make it the best yet Swing into Spring!! We have callers already on board for Swing into Spring 2026: Dan Sahlstrom from Michigan, Brent Mawdsley from British Columbia and our own Dave Hutchinson. All three callers will provide dancing that will be enthusiastic, energetic, and a lot of fun.
The 2024 venue in Brockville will be reserved as early as possible for our usual first-Sunday-in-May weekend, and we plan to obtain a block of rooms for square dancers at one or more hotels. We will keep you informed of updates as early as possible.
Keep watching www.SwingintoSpring.ca and www.facebook.com/BrockvilleSiS as our plans for 2026 unfold and, meanwhile, Save The Weekend - May 1, 2 & 3 - for Swing into Spring 2026!
You can reach us by email at promotion@SwingintoSpring.ca.
Arlo, Gloria, & Shirley
The Swing into Spring Committee
Our volunteer committee is always looking for help. Please consider joining the Swing Into Spring committee. When we need a meeting, it is held virtually so there's no travel involved. If you have ideas and a bit of time to devote to creating a great dance weekend for your fellow dancers, contact secretary@swingintospring.ca or reach out to any of the committee members listed on the right.